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About PRPG

The Graduate Dean's Office (PRPG) is the body responsible for the coordination, supervision and supervision of the Graduate Programs offered by UFLA.


The commemorations of the 100th anniversary of the Federal University of Lavras will always be a moment of return to what has been lived, to history, to reread the past with the eyes of the present and to project the future. It is a kind of eternal return, a moment to search the memory of those who have had a past experience, to share our present responsibilities and to build a legacy that will serve as a reference for the construction of the future.

As we look at the timeline, we can see that the successful history of 34 years of   Graduate Courses demonstrates that ESAL was not just one of the pioneer institutions in creating master and doctorate courses in agrarian and administrative sciences. The institution, wisely, built and knew to maintain the commitment to pursue academic quality and the integral formation of the human person. Since its inception and foundation,   Graduate Courses has focused its actions on sound moral foundations and values that will be remembered all the time. Among the values shared by our academic community since the creation of ESAL at the beginning of the last century are devotion to knowledge, work ethics, scientific rigor, respect for the human person and future orientation.

Always aiming for excellence and quality, the Higher School of Agriculture of Lavras undertook a bold teacher training plan, anticipating the need to offer high level education. The high degree of professor qualification and the development of research were determining factors for the creation of graduate courses at ESAL. In addition, there is the ever-increasing demand for highly skilled professionals, due to the rapid economic growth that Brazil experienced in the 1970s. Believing that sustainable development always requires technical competence and technological innovation, ESAL/UFLA has invested heavily in graduate courses, whose fabulous growth has always been based on satisfactory human resources and infrastructure conditions.

The graduate seed was sown in 1972, when Professor Fábio Pereira Cartaxo, then director of ESAL, set up a commission to study the feasibility of implementing graduate courses. After a careful study, the commission issued a favorable opinion and, later that year, the Graduate Coordination at ESAL was created. In the first semester of 1975, the first graduate courses were implemented at ESAL:  the Master in Agronomy with concentration in Phytotechnics and the Master in Rural Administration. To these were added others, currently totaling 19 programs, with 34 courses, being 17 doctoral and 19 master courses.

The UFLA Graduate institutionalization process cannot be portrayed in isolation or as a heroic feat of a single person. On the contrary, it must be memorized and revived as a collective intellectual enterprise, with the participation of several people: leaders, course coordinators, professors, students, administrative technicians, secretaries. In building this success story, the work of some professors was critical, as well as leadership, overcoming ability, and administrative competence. Among these professors, those who, in particular, were able to master the initiatives of consolidation and growth of the Graduate at the Federal University of Lavras, deserve special mention.

The creation, consolidation and expansion of graduate courses for the purposes of this site took place in two phases that marked the history of ESAL-UFLA. The first phase comprises the period between 1975 and 1994, the year of ESAL's transformation into the Federal University of Lavras, and the second phase, which covers the institutional actions carried out between 1995 and 2008. In the first phase, in addition to the master courses in phytotechnics and rural administration, soil science, food science, animal science, plant physiology, plant genetics and breeding, plant pathology, agricultural engineering and forestry engineering were created. In the second phase, entomology, agrochemical, statistics and experimentation, agricultural microbiology, veterinary sciences, plant biotechnology, wood science and technology, applied ecology and systems engineering were created. Some aspects of the history of each of these programs can be accessed on their own websites.

Paulo Roberto da Silva from Feb./1973 to June/1975
João Márcio de Carvalho Rios from July/1975 to Apr./1976 
Antônio Resende Soares from May/1976 to Dec./1976 
Joaquim dos Santos Penoni from Jan./1977 to Jan./1980 
Américo Iorio Ciociola from Feb./1980 to Feb./1984 
Juventino Júlio de Souza from Feb./1984 to Apr./1984 
Guaracy Vieira from Apr./1984 to Dec./1987 
Fabiano Ribeiro do Vale from Dec./1987 to Dec./1991 
Antônio Marciano da Silva from Dec./1991 to June/1996 
César Augusto Brasil Pereira Pinto from June/1996 to May/2000 
Luiz Edson Mota de Oliveira from June/2000 to May/2004
Joel Augusto Muniz from June/2004 to May/2008
Mozar José de Brito from June/2008 to May/2012
Alcides Moino Junior from June/2012 to May/2016
Rafael Pio  from May/2016 to May/2020

Gallery of Former Rectors/Officers


Graduate programs aim to train masters and doctors who are able to:

a) propose, competently, the resolution of technical-scientific problems in their area of knowledge;

b) contribute to the development of environmentally compatible innovative technological products and processes;

c) develop innovative educational processes that promote qualified human development and citizenship;

d) to base their scientific and pedagogical conduct on ethical and socially responsible standards.

Horário de Funcionamento: Segunda a Quinta: 8h - 12h / 14h - 18h e Sexta: 8h - 12h / 14h - 17h (Horário de Brasília)
Periódicos Capes
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