About the Program

The Graduation Program in Water Resources and Agricultural Systems, licensed by CAPES, began in 2010, after dismembering from the Graduation Program in Agricultural Engineering, which began in 1990 with master´s degree and in 2002 with the doctorate degree in Irrigation and Drainage. The dismemberment was justified in order to focus on Water Resources. In 2012, the program completed its first three-year term under the new format, with elevated qualification indexes. As the program is considered new, the grade attributed by CAPES is 4, however we expect this evaluation to rise given the general performance of the professors and students. In the second three-year term, the program adopted an intense internationalization strategy with renowned institutions, such as the University of California-Davis, Purdue University, Lancaster University, Ghent University and others.

The academic staff presents proven academic and scientific experience, having advised more than 120 master´s theses and 30 doctorate dissertations. In the 2010-2012 three-year term, 19 theses and 4 dissertations were concluded. The program approaches water in an integrated form with the different agricultural and environmental production systems in order to contribute with the technical and scientific development and effective formation of human resources, in both master´s and doctorate degrees, to act in the areas of irrigation engineering and management, drainage, hydrology, management f water basins, soil and water conservation, exploration and conservation of underground water, risk evaluation of soil and water contamination, water resource management, wastewater treatment and water quality for agricultural use.