Teachers and research area

Teachers and research area

  • Ângela de Fátima Barbosa Abreu

Common Bean Breeding. afbabreu@ufla.br

  •  César Augusto Brasil Pereira Pinto

Potato Breeding. cesarbrasil@dbi.ufla.br

  •  Elaine Aparecida de Souza

Genetics of plant pathogens. easouza@dbi.ufla.br

  • Flávia Maria Avelar Gonçalves

Coffee and eucalyptus breeding. avelar@dbi.ufla.br

  • Giovana Augusta Torres

Cytogenetics. gatorres@dbi.ufla.br

  • João Bosco dos Santos

Plant breeding and Molecular Markers. jbsantos@dbi.ufla.br

  • João Cândido de Souza

Genética Quantitative Maize breeding. cansouza@dbi.ufla.br

  • José Airton Rodrigues Nunes

Experimental biometrics, quantitative genetics and Sorghum and Forage breeding.   jarnunes@dbi.ufla.br

  • Lisete Chamma Davide

Cytogenetics.  lisete.ufla@gmail.com

  • Magno Antonio Patto Ramalho

Common Bean Breeding and Quantitative Genetics. magnoapr@dbi.ufla.br

  • Renzo Garcia Von Pinho

Maize Breeding.  renzo@dag.ufla.br

  •  Vânia Helena Techio

Cytogenetics.  vhtechio@dbi.ufla.br

  • Wilson Roberto Maluf

Horticulture Breeding. wrmaluf@dag.ufla.br