
The building where the program takes place has several fully operational laboratories: Ecology of Small Mammals Laboratory, Invertebrate Ecology Laboratory, Fish Ecology Laboratory, Ecology of Populations and Interactions Laboratory and Plant Ecology Laboratory. In addition, there are three other laboratories in the Zoology field and one in the Entomology field that support students and professors of the program. There is also the Studies and Projects in Forest Management Laboratory (LEMAF), which supports students and professors involved in landscape ecology.
Besides, there is the ESAL Herbarium at the building, which contains approximately 23.000 specimens, mainly of the flora from Minas Gerais
. The herbarium collection is properly stored in a structure designed for it, with cabinets purchased with funds of the Forest Inventory of Minas Gerais. In the medium and long terms, there is physical space to duplicate storage capacity of the herbarium. Among the most important collections in the herbarium, it is worthy to highlight the collection cataloged through the Forest Inventory of Minas Gerais, which is a reference for forest ecology studies developed at UFLA. The herbarium collection is computerized and has an employee to work with it.

List of laboratories:

The building where the Program is based has eight fully operational laboratories. In addition, there are three other laboratories in the Zoology field and one in the Entomology field that support students and professors of the program. There is also the Studies and Projects in Forest Management Laboratory (LEMAF), which supports students and professors involved in landscape ecology. Besides, there is the ESAL Herbarium at the building, which contains approximately 25.000 specimens, mainly of the flora from Minas Gerais.

* Ecology and Complexity Laboratory

* Chemical Ecology of Insect-Plant Interactions Laboratory

* Ecology and Conservation of Mammals Laboratory (LECOM)

* Fish Ecology Laboratory

* Reproductive Strategies of Herbaceous Plants Laboratory

* Center of Study in Subterranean Biology (CEBS/UFLA)

* Brazilian Center of Studies in Ecology of Roads (CBEE)

* Fish Ecology Laboratory

* Diversity and Systematics of Mammals (LDS–Mammals) and UFLA Collection of Mammals (CMUFLA)

* Ecology of Crustaceans Laboratory

* Ecology of Ants Laboratory

* Forest Improvement and Genetic Resources Laboratory DCF–UFLA

* Geoprocessing and Image Analysis Laboratory of DCF/UFLA

* Forest Entomology Sector Laboratory of DEN/UFLA