Research Lines

Plants Structure and Functioning: It approaches the research works and knowledge applications of the plants’ structure, either about morphology and external architecture or about cytology, histology and anatomy as well as their relations with the plant production. In this research line, there approached the enhancement of plant production, of plant reproduction, of plant adaptation in different environments, of the management of disturbed populations, of the recovery of damaged field, of prospection of natural products, preservations and management of native species.

Plant Biosystematic: It comprehends floristic and systematic systems in plant taxons of Monilophyte and Phanerogamae of Brazilian biomes with emphasis in Fields, Rupestrian Fields, Woodland Savannah (through classical morphology and/or using phylogene methods) promoting identification, descriptions, keys, phenological and phytogeographic data. Among the floristic and taxonomic studies developed in the program, botanic families found in the Lavras’ localities and surroundings are highlighted. In these studies, data from various origins are used, mostly morphological, molecular, cytotaxonomic, reproductive biology (floral and reproductive strategies) and biogeographic information, seeking to reconstruct the evolution history of the taxons. This way, providing subsides either for systematic and evolution projects or for studies and policies to the conservation and management of the Brazilian flora.