Collegiate PPGCA
Coordinator: Prof. Jaime Vilela de Resende
E-mail: Tel: +55 35 3829 1659
Deputy Coodinator: Prof. Eduardo Mendes Ramos
E-mail: Tel: +55 35 3829 1403
Secretary: Lucilene de Cássia Santos Cândido
E-mail: Tel: +55 35 3829-1392 Fax: +55 35 3829-1401
Members of the Collegiate:
Prof. Roberto Alves Braga Júnior (DEG)
Prof. Eduardo Valério de Barros Vilas Boas (DCA)
Profa. Fabiana Queiroz (DCA)
Thayana Vilela Mattar (Student Representative)
Ana Alice Andrade Oliveira (Representative of Administrative technicians)