Lines of Research


Animal production and reproduction – Research in the animal production area with emphasis on health of the gastrointestinal tract of ruminants; management of animal production systems and economic impact of diseases and research involving meat quality and traceability. It also involves animal reproduction studies in order to obtain a bigger productivity from cattles.

Professors enrolled:

  • José Camisão de Souza
  • José Nélio de Sousa Sales
  • Marcos Aurélio Lopes
  • Marcos Neves Pereira
  • Márcio Gilberto Zangeronimo
  • Nadja Gomes Alves
  • Peter Bitencourt Faria


Animal Physiology and Metabolism – Study on physiological and metabolic principles of animals and substance influence in these processes such as pharmaceutical products, food and management conditions.

Professors enrolled:

  • Luciano José Pereira
  • Márcio Gilberto Zangeronimo
  • Raimundo Vicente de Sousa

Animal Sanity and Public Health – Studies on key aspects of health and infectious diseases, parasitic diseases and zoonoses, including: aspects of preventive veterinary medicine; epidemiology; prevention and control; health planning and assessment; Public Health and Animal Sanitary Defense.

Professors enrolled:

  • Alessandro de Sá Guimarães
  • Antônio Marcos Guimarães
  • Christiane Maria Barcellos Magalhães da Rocha
  • Geraldo Márcio da Costa
  • Ana Paula Peconick


Veterinary Clinic, Surgery and Pathology – Especially focused on veterinarians, this line covers studies and research on the most relevant issues involved in main clinical and surgical disorders in animals and studies on etiopathogenesis and pathological diagnosis of diseases, seeking to establish strategies for prevention, diagnosis, control and treatment in different animal species.


Professors enrolled:

  • Antônio Carlos Cunha Lacreta Júnior
  • Carlos Artur Lopes Leite
  • Djeison Lutier Raymundo
  • Leonardo Augusto Lopes Muzzi
  • Mary Susan Varaschin
  • Rodrigo Bernardes Nogueira
  • Ruthnéa Aparecida Lázaro Muzzi


Genetics, Reproduction and Sanity of Aquatic Animals – It aims the development of research projects and training of professionals in genetic improvement, reproduction, metabolism and sanity of aquatic animals. This is the study of metabolic and physiological processes and of influence of substances such as pharmaceutical products, food and management conditions in these processes.

Professors enrolled:

  • Luis David Solis Murgas
  • Priscila Vieira e Rosa
  • Rilke Tadeu Fonseca de Freitas
  • Ana Paula Peconick